Moving Calculator
Moving Calculator
Here is our Moving Calculator to estimate your Household Contents
Sometimes its hard to know how much furniture and household items you have to move, especially if you haven't moved for a period of time. So to make it easier we have included a moving calculator here to work out the volume of your furniture, white goods, boxes and general household items.
Generally we find that our 20ft container is sufficient to hold the contents of a 3 bedroom household. Keeping in mind that most customers moving interstate usually have a clean out of any unwanted or unused items before they start packing. To calculate the approximate cubic volume of your homes contents please click here for a size estimation calculator. Here are some tips on how to reduce the amount of goods you take with you Interstate.
You can also download a shipping container specification sheet here that will give you all the information regarding external and internal dimensions of our containers. The specification sheet also includes cubic volume of all our containters including: 20ft, 20ft HC, 40ft & 40ft HC containers. Together with the moving calculator you will be able to accurately work out the volume of your goods and the size of the container you require.
Generally we use 40ft containers for commercial moves, or large rural properties where there is ample room to place a 12 metre long container. When delivering a 40ft container we also require enough access for a side loading truck which can be tricky to use in a residential street. Where customers have over 38 cubic metres of household goods, after using the moving calculator, we usually offer a second container. If you require two containers we can either place both containers on your property at the same time to pack if there is enough room. Alternately where space is limited, we can do a 'swap over' of containers. A swap over is where we deliver the 1st empty container, collect it once its full and deliver the 2nd empty container at the same time. Once the second container is full we come and collect it. We can also deliver the two containers in the same way at your new home.
Here are some photos of a 20ft container, all containers provided have lockable doors (you will need to supply a sturdy padlock).All of our container have tie rails either all the way around the container (as shown below), or tie down down loop points approx every 1 metre on the roof and also on the floor.
Our friendly staff have many years of experience with shipping containers and we are available to offer self packing advice at any time. Just email or call us at Australian Container Removals with your questions or concerns, and we'd only be too happy to help. We are experts at self-packing shipping containers.
Contact us for a Quick Quote today!
Self Packing Tips:
- As you are loading, take a few extra minutes to write an inventory list.
- Personal items should be wrapped and loaded into strong cardboard moving boxes. Reinforce the bottom of all boxes with plenty of tape. Fill each box to its capacity, using fillers to fill any empty spaces. Use original shipping boxes for computers, printers and other electronic items where possible.
- Don't over load. Be sure box tops and sides don't bulge or cave in.
- When loading a shipping container ensure you tie everything off as you go. Use the tie down points in the shipping container.
- Mix small items with larger items to fill spaces, and don't save all your boxes for the end.
- Place soft, light items such as pillows in a plastic bag and place them in small spaces where boxes can't fit.
- Larger personal items such as furniture, etc., should be blanket wrapped and/or protected in plastic or with bed sheets.
- All appliances should be clean and dry. Immobilise moving parts and remove all detachable cords and wires. Tape electrical cords to the appliance and tape all doors and lids closed.
- Drain all fuel and oil from lawn mowers, chain saws and other equipment. Disconnect all batteries.
- Strap long garden tools together.
- Number or label your boxes.
- Your personal possessions should not include anything that is poisonous, flammable, corrosive, perishable, fuels, cleaning chemicals, insecticides or any original documents (such as birth certificates, wills, original videos, wedding, etc.). Portable gas bottles cannot be loaded.
- Please note that if you are moving to Western Australia you will need to complete quarantine forms and some items are restricted from entry into the state. For more information click here to go to WA Quarantines website for the most up to date information.